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Simple calculation of compressed air pipeline length and pressure in Dalian




The pressure of compressed air discharged from the air compressor to the air consuming equipment can not be fully utilized, resulting in a waste of energy. These wastes are mainly manifested in the resistance loss of gas transmission pipelines, valves, bends, gas flow changing direction and throttling. The resistance loss is converted into heat to be radiated into the atmosphere, resulting in pressure drop.

The length of pipe required for each part of the outlet pipe (air supply pipe, distribution pipe and standpipe). To correct the length of compressed air pipeline in Dalian, the equivalent length of valves, elbows and joints must be added. Volume flow, pressure, allowable pressure drop and pipe length must be known during calculation. Then, according to the latest value, a larger standard pipeline is selected for the gas transmission system.

Dalian compressed air pipeline prefabrication shall be carried out according to the quantity, gauge and material specified in the pipeline construction drawing, and the pipeline parts shall be selected. The pipeline system number shall be marked according to the single line diagram and the sequence number of each group of components shall be marked in sequence. The weld appearance shall be well formed and the appearance shall be smooth transition. Cracks, undissolved, air holes, slag inclusions and splashes are not allowed.

In China's iron and steel enterprises, reverse osmosis technology plays a great role in the advanced treatment and reuse of wastewater. The energy-saving effect of Dalian compressed air pipeline is very good. It uses the principle of membrane separation technology. The principle of reverse osmosis can effectively remove the organic matter and microorganisms in the wastewater. This technology has been relatively mature and has been widely used in the iron and steel industry.


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