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Excellent employees, never complain



Refuse to complain and do higher value work.

1、 Complaints everywhere in work

Everyone may encounter setbacks in their work, and everyone may fall into the low valley of career development. They need to complain and relieve the pressure of life. Therefore, complaining has become an emotion spreading in the society, which seems to be understandable.

The problem is that once you develop the habit of complaining and form a complaining mode of thinking, we will lose our sense of responsibility and mission and ignore the happiness and happiness brought by the completion of work and our own growth

2、 What can complaining bring

Any market-oriented enterprise hopes to hire an employee who can solve problems and bring value to the enterprise, rather than a chattering critic.

1. Complain about salary

People always have high expectations of themselves, and think that they should be reused and rewarded handsomely. Compared with the development space, work significance, enterprise atmosphere and personal ability training, people pay more attention to the level of wages. It seems that wages have become the standard for them to measure everything.

2. Complain about colleagues

Accusations and complaints will not bring any benefits to your work. Instead, they will expose our childishness and incompetence. Moreover, direct criticism will make others feel humiliated, humiliate their self-esteem, and eventually lead to a situation in which both parties break up in discord and are difficult to deal with.

3、 Be an actor who does not complain

Behind every seemingly reasonable complaint, there is a better choice, that is, to change the status quo and be an actor who does not complain.

1. Better change yourself than complain about others

Many people often blame others in their daily work, but seldom find the reason from themselves. In fact, the existence and practice of others must be reasonable. It's better to change yourself than complain about others. If you change yourself, everything will change. It's like we can't get over the wall, but we can get around it, and we can also achieve our goal.

2. Turn complaints into constructive opinions

If you consider your ideas from the perspective of the company, and take the initiative to put forward or actively implement them in a way acceptable to the leaders, I think the company should be very welcome.

3. The company is your ship

In the fierce market competition, the company is like a ship. No matter the boss or the employee, once they embark on this ship, their fate will be closely linked. They have a common direction and a common destination. The fate of the ship is the fate of all people.

4. Work with the attitude of the boss

If you work with the attitude of the boss, you will think about your job from the perspective of the overall situation, determine the position of the job in the whole work chain, and you will find a good work method and do a better job.

If you work with this attitude, you will not refuse the tasks assigned by your boss. You will think that this is an opportunity to show and exercise your work ability.

5. Shut up your complaining mouth and take practical steps

Without the spirit of hard work, no matter how good an idea or plan is, it can only stay on paper or just a beautiful idea, which can never become a reality.

6. Le do is a brick of organization, where you need to move

Employees who want to make some achievements, be happy to be a brick of the organization, follow the spirit of obedience where they need to be moved, and act in a way that does not find excuses and methods, and obey the arrangement of the leadership at any time can become popular in the enterprise and be favored by the boss and the boss.

7. I'm afraid my work is not up to standard. Only when I'm up to standard can I have a good position

Just as the cap must be screwed in place so that the water in the bottle will not leak out, the expected effect can be achieved only when the work is done in place. Any leader is worried that his subordinates will fail to do their work well and make things worse, because the leaders also have to take responsibility or even take great responsibility.

8. Thinking determines the way out, and the head determines the pocket

What kind of thinking, what kind of outlet, what kind of thinking you make, what kind of income. Therefore, we must break the stereotype of thinking and actively change our thinking to ensure that we will not be eliminated by the world.

4、 Training methods to change complaining attitude

Complaining makes people shallow and narrow-minded, makes you incompatible with the company's philosophy, and makes your own development path narrower and narrower, so you can accomplish nothing. Therefore, the victim of complaining is yourself.

1. Reflect before you complain

Before you complain, you might as well ask yourself whether you are working hard enough? It should be noted that only by doing one's best can one be perfect. It's not that others are unfair to you, but that you don't work hard enough.

2. Treat difficulties as a challenge to yourself

In the face of adverse circumstances or problems, why can't we regard hardship as a kind of sharpening? In the work, I am responsible for the results of the work, my salary and my future. It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.

3. Say less and do more

The way to stop complaining is to let yourself act. Many people often blame others in their daily work, but seldom find the reason from themselves. In fact, if you change yourself, everything will change.

There is no humble work in this world, only a humble mind. Instead of complaining, it's better to work hard, spend all the time and thoughts of complaining on improving your core competitiveness and doing your work well, and be a practitioner without complaining.

Dalian paipulu Technology Co., Ltd. is an integrated company specializing in the research, development and production of aluminum alloy pipes, super pipes and compressed air pipes.


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